Are you tired of letting your symptoms rule your life?

Whether you’ve been unwell for some time, your lifestyle has led you to burn out, you’re living with a chronic condition, or you’re simply looking for some foundational guidance on how to achieve better health, The Holistic Health Method® has the answers.

When you invest in a 1:1 programme from The Holistic Health Method®, you are investing in personalised support from Jade Leighton. Her approach is all-encompassing, highly motivational and will be bespoke to your needs.

Personal Health Programmes

When you work 1:1 with Jade, she will explore your current symptoms, health history, family history, dietary habits, exercise levels, rest, routine, stressors, environment and relationships. With all this information she will build a picture of your overall health and wellbeing using The Holistic Health Method™, look to understand any underlying imbalances and pressure points, and work with you on a bespoke plan for achieving your goals. As making sustainable changes to your health and lifestyle will be a journey, the minimum time we recommend working with Jade is 2-3 months. The amount of time you invest is likely to correlate directly with your requirements, but we can advise you on this during a free 15-minute discovery call.

Personal Health Programme Inclusions:

  • 2-hour initial consultation with current health analysis

  • 60-minute follow-ups to review progress and adapt your plans

  • 30-minute check-ins to keep you on track

  • Evolving personalised health optimisation plan with diet and lifestyle recommendations

  • Personalised supplement protocol

  • Tailored functional testing recommendations and analysis

  • GP letter provision (if required)

  • Email support throughout the programme

  • Discount on supplements and a number of health optimisation products

Holistic Health Foundations (Health MOT)

As simpler alternative, Jade also offers a health foundations MOT which covers a broad overview of diet and lifestyle fundamentals to support your health. This service is not as detailed or therapeutic as the support provided within the Personal Health Programmes, however it is a great option if you have no major health concerns but are still looking for some guidance.


“I've been working with Jade for over a year now, starting our sessions just after having vascular surgery with terrible skin (acne) and feeling generally run down, unwell and lacking energy. I can honestly say I've not felt this good in years - I understand my body so much more, how to look after and feed it what it needs. Most importantly I feel connected to it again. She has truly transformed my health and life.”

- Victoria