About The Method

The Holistic Health Method® is a Nutritional Therapy, Lifestyle and Health Coaching service for individuals and companies created by Jade Leighton. We practice holistic, integrative and functional medicine through our educational and motivational Method that aims to teach you to understand your body better and optimise the way you nourish it.

Holistic medicine considers the whole person - in terms of body, mind, spirit and emotions - in the pursuit of optimal health and wellbeing. Our holistic medicine approach treats the whole person as a sum of many parts that are all interconnected. If one system is imbalanced, it can negatively affect your overall health.

Perhaps you are near burn-out from a stressful job or relationship? Maybe you have chronic digestive issues? Perhaps you are looking to improve fertility, lose weight, regain your energy levels or figure out what is causing a whole list of seemingly unrelated symptoms? Whatever your personal concerns are, we cater for a variety of needs and offer a number of packages so you can choose what’s right for you.

We also work with companies to provide workplace wellbeing talks, workshops, coaching, consultancy and canteen audits.

Has your health journey been going around in circles?

There’s no doubt that today’s world has become a minefield of conflicting information on what we should and shouldn’t be consuming, the best form of exercise, which supplements to take and new health trends. In this kind of environment, it’s not surprising that people are struggling to understand how to improve health. Instead, most of us go around in circles with our health journey, while our symptoms and underlying imbalances continue to worsen. This is what we call the typical modern health cycle (as the diagram shows).

Furthermore, conventional medicine generally focuses on masking a specific symptom with medication, rather than determining the root cause of the illness. As a result, we have become conditioned to seeking quick fixes for our most valuable of possessions - our health.

The Holistic Health Method® cuts through the confusion and provides complementary support to your primary healthcare provider. We practice functional medicine which is a systems-biology approach to identifying the root cause of a symptom or illness. We do this through a detailed consideration of all the factors affecting your health. We then work together with you to come up with a personalised, evidence-based and sustainable plan, including nutrition and lifestyle advice, possible supplement and test recommendations, that will guide you towards optimum health.

We can support you with:

  • Energy and fatigue

  • Digestive health

  • Hormone health

  • Stress management

  • Immune health, including autoimmune conditions

  • Reproductive health, fertility and libido

  • Mental health

  • Skin health and intolerances

  • Weight management

  • Chronic illness

  • Nutrient deficiencies

Get in touch

Book a free 15-minute discovery call today with zero obligations. Enjoy a conversation with us about the kind of support you are looking for and how we can help.